The concepts of Document and Documentation from the perspective of Ranganathan
S. R. Ranganathan, Documentation, Document, LibrarianAbstract
This work, presented in May 2022, at the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the death of Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972), takes as its starting point the book Documentation: genesis and development, published in 1971. This book is the result of a conversation that Ranganathan had with young librarians in Bangalore, India, in 1970. The purpose is to reconstruct the central concepts contained in his work, which are the document and Documentation, from the conception of a Ranganathan at the end of his days, whit a wealth of experiences, memories and trips.
García Morales 1958 = Justo García Morales, Etapas y situación actual de la bibliografía, Madrid, Dirección General de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 1958.
Guinchat, Menou 1990 = Claire Guinchat, Michel Menou, Introducción general a las ciencias y técnicas de la información y documentación, 2ª ed. corr. y aum. por M-F. Blanquet, Madrid, CINDOC, UNESCO, 1990.
López Yepes 2015 = José López Yepes, La ciencia de la información documental: El documento, la disciplina y el profesional en la era digital, México, Universidad Panamericana, 2015.
Moll 1985 = Jaime Moll, La bibliografía en la investigación literaria, En Métodos de estudio de la obra literaria, José María Diez Borque (coord.), Madrid, Taurus, 1985, p. 145-182.
Otlet 1934 = Paul Otlet, Traité de documentation: le livre sur le livre, théorie et pratique, Bruxelles, Editiones Mundaneum, 1934.
Ranganathan 1963 = S. R. Ranganathan, Documentation and its facets: Being a Symposium of Seventy Papers by Thirty-two Authors, Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1963.
Simón Díaz 1971 = José Simón Díaz, La bibliografía: conceptos y aplicaciones, Barcelona, Planeta, 1971.
Ranganathan 1971 = S. R. Ranganathan, Documentation: genesis ad development, Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 1971.
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