Sustainable libraries: a professional challenge and commitment to action, of indispensable and urgent relevance


  • Francesco Giuseppe Meliti Lugano University Library



Aldrich 2020 = Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Sustainable Thinking: Ensuring Your Library’s Future in an Uncertain World, ALA, 2020.

Alier 2009 = Joan Martínez Alier, Ecologia dei poveri: la lotta per la giustizia ambientale, a cura di Marco Armieri, Jaca Book, 2009.

Bauman 2005 = Zygmund Bauman, Work, consumerism and new poor, 2nd ed., Open University Press, 2005.

Elkington 2021 = John Elkington, Green Swans: The Coming Boom in Regenerative Capitalism, Fast Company Press, 202. Traduzione italiana: John Elkington, Per un nuovo capitalismo: creare ricchezza economica, sociale e ambientale per il mondo di domani, Aboca, 2021.

Haris 2022 = Jerry Harris, The Dangers of Ecofascism, «Perspectives on Global Development and Technology», 21 (2022), n. 5-6, p. 451-465.

Libraries & Sustainability: programs and practices for Community Impact 2022 = Libraries & Sustainability: programs and practices for Community Impact, edited by René Tanner, Adrian K. Ho,Monika Antonelli, and Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, ALA Editions, Chicago, 2022.

Mehra – Rioux – Albright 2018 = Bharat Mehra, Kevin S. Rioux, Kendra S. Albright, Social Justice in Library and Information Science, in Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, 4. ed, CRC Press, 2018.

Meliti 2022 = Francesco Giuseppe Meliti, Il paradigma della biblioteca sostenibile – 2: alcune azioni e l’approccio Triple Bottom Line, «Biblioteche oggi» 40, n. 7 (ottobre 2022), p. 12-17.

Meliti 2023 = Francesco Giuseppe Meliti, Le collezioni delle biblioteche nellaprospettiva della “biblioteconomia critica” statunitense, «», 12 (2023), 2, p. 573-590.

Morin 2002 = Edgar Morin, L’identità umana, Raffaello Cortina, 2002.

Moore – Roberts 2022 = Sam Moore, Alex Roberts, The rise of ecofascism: climate change and the far right, Polity Press, 2022.

Pérez-Salmerón 2020 = Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, How to realise Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): the role of libraries, In Biblioteche e sviluppo sostenibile: azioni, strategie, indicatori, impatto, Milano, Palazzo delle Stelline, 15-16 settembre 2020, Bibliografica, 2020.

Salute planetaria 2020 = Salute planetaria, a cura di Samuel Myers e Howard Frumkin, Franco Angeli, 2022.

Schlein 2022 = Elly Schlein, La nostra parte: per la giustizia sociale e ambientale, insieme, Mondadori, 2022.



How to Cite

Meliti, F. G. (2024). Sustainable libraries: a professional challenge and commitment to action, of indispensable and urgent relevance. Bibliothecae.It, 13(2), 1–13.


