The scale of quality of libraries. The library of the Franciscans of Monteripido in Perugia


  • Alfredo Serrai



Perugia, Monteripido, Book vessels, History of libraries


The value of a library can be defined only through the bibliographic project underpinning its existence, the influence of this project on other libraries, and the efficacy of its “book vessel” (vaso librario) in illustrating concretely the noetic synthesis of the cognitive universe represented by the books. In this context, the library of the Franciscans of Monteripido in Perugia is certainly a peak of excellence in the library landscape, since the bibliographic structure of its collection and its fund fully satisfy the criteria of quality. The reconstruction of the collection – in the process of being completed by Fiammetta Sabba and Maria Paola Barlozzini basing of the two preserved author indexes of 1790 and 1795 – will provide evidence of this. Finally, a quick review of the titles of the cartouche extra armaria highlights the value of the library hall, that diverging from the tradition, celebrates the ideals of morality, civilization, and science, that permeated the consciousness of their creators and of the scholarly community in Perugia.



How to Cite

Serrai, A. (2012). The scale of quality of libraries. The library of the Franciscans of Monteripido in Perugia. Bibliothecae.It, 1(1-2), 79–91.


