The Ph.D school in LIS of University of Udine (1998-2010)


  • Angela Nuovo Università di Udine
  • Erika Squassina Universià di Udine



Ph.D, Library and information sciences, Udine, Research


The first Italian Ph.D school in LIS started in 1998, coordinated by the University of Udine jointly with the Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari (SSAB) of Sapienza University of Rome and with the University of Milan. It will be active until 2010, increasing its importance with the creation of a national sized consortium. During the twelve opening years, the school formed 78 researchers that later on have started working in Italian schools, archives and libraries. Sometimes researches have been continued also after the achievement of the title with articles, papers or monographs.


Biblioteche private 2004 = Biblioteche private in età moderna e contemporanea. Atti del convegno internazionale, Udine, 18-20 ottobre 2004, a cura di Angela Nuovo, Milano, Sylvestre Bonnard, 2005.

Biblioteche private 2008 = Le biblioteche private come paradigma bibliografico. Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, Tempio di Adriano, 10-12 ottobre 2007, a cura di Fiammetta Sabba, Roma, Bulzoni, 2008.

Vecchiet 1998 = Romano Vecchiet, Nasce il primo dottorato in scienze bibliografiche. Intervista ad Attilio Mauro Caproni, «Biblioteche oggi», (1998), p. 44-46, <> (ult. cons.: 1.02.2016).



How to Cite

Nuovo, A., & Squassina, E. (2016). The Ph.D school in LIS of University of Udine (1998-2010). Bibliothecae.It, 5(1), 208–240.



Notes and discussions