The evaluation of scientific monograph and publisher's role: the spanish project Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI)


  • Andrea Capaccioni Università di Perugia
  • Giovanna Spina



Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI), scientific monograph, prestige editorial, ranking, HSS


This paper aims to examine the issue about the quality assessment of scientific monograph and the role of publishers in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences, focusing on the Spanish project Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI). This project was born to identify and explore specific quality indicators for scientific books, starting from the opinion of SSH Spanish experts.


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How to Cite

Capaccioni, A., & Spina, G. (2016). The evaluation of scientific monograph and publisher’s role: the spanish project Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI). Bibliothecae.It, 5(1), 241–255.



Notes and discussions