On the recent Horatian Annals and about a Parisian miscellaneous schoolbook


  • Matteo Fadini University of Trento




Horatian annals, XVIth c. schoolbooks, manuscript notes on printed book


The article examines the recent Annali of Horatian editions, edited by Antonio Iurilli, and locates 39 editions not recognized by that investigation. The article offers an initial analysis of a miscellany now at Houghton Library that contains 21 printed editions, including some Horatian works, with several manuscript notes. This miscellany was used in two different Parisian schools between 1565 and 1567.


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How to Cite

Fadini, M. (2018). On the recent Horatian Annals and about a Parisian miscellaneous schoolbook. Bibliothecae.It, 7(1), 235–263. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2283-9364/8449


