Academic and research libraries: Third mission between experience of practice and theory (CNR, Rome, 9 April 2019)


  • Maria Cassella Università di Torino
  • Nicola Madonna Università di Napoli Federico II



Third stream, Academic libraries, Research libraries, Citizen science


The Third stream (or Third mission) is a new emerging topic for academic and research libraries. The article deals with the discussions and reflections driven during the first Italian workshop on Third stream and libraries organized by the Central Library “Guglielmo Marconi” of the CNR (National Research Council) in Rome. The Third stream takes on new goals for the academic libraries, i.e.: the development of the cultural heritage, the long lasting education and the public engagement. In the workshop the best practices of some Italian university libraries (Roma Sapienza, Firenze, Torino, Napoli Federico II, and Ferrara) and two research libraries: the library G. Marconi of the CNR in Rome and the library of the CNR in Potenza have been presented. The discussion has highlighted a great number of activities carried out by Italian libraries that relate to the Third mission and contribute to expand academic library users and to attract the attention of new stakeholders and publics. The Third mission is increasingly becoming an element which changes the model of the academic and research libraries by giving them a role to play for the development of the society.


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How to Cite

Cassella, M., & Madonna, N. (2019). Academic and research libraries: Third mission between experience of practice and theory (CNR, Rome, 9 April 2019). Bibliothecae.It, 8(1), 285–308.



Notes and discussions