Information and causation: two enigmas clarifying each other
causality, semantic information, informational neutral monism, principle of sufficient reason, DIKASAbstract
Information and causality are two central concepts in many disciplines, both very controversial, with respect to which the article offers an overview of the main interpretations and definitions available, with particular attention to those that relate them to each other, sometimes explaining causation with information and sometimes the reverse. Among the theories of information, the ‘qualitative’ ones (which also take into consideration the semantic aspects of information) and the ‘integrative’ ones (which try to find a common root for the various forms that information can take) are especially examined, with particular regard for that of the DIKAS pyramid (data, information processes, knowledges, awarenesses, self-awarenesses). From the analysis of DIKAS and other theories of information and causation (also in the light of the concepts of informational neutral monism, of the principle of sufficient reason, of entropy and of difference) the strong link between the concepts of information and causality emerges, which can be useful to make both clearer.
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