«Un organismo vivente con vita autonoma». Libraries as subject of a PhD school between Osnabrück and Wolfenbüttel


  • Paola Molino




Repositories of knowledge, Culture of memory, Graduate school, Herzog August bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Osnabrück


Last Autumn has been launched in Osnabrück a new graduate school, in cooperation with the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, entirely devoted to the history of early modern libraries. For the next three years a group of 12 graduate students will work on their own projects, using the rich collection from Wolfenbüttel and benefiting from the expertise of scholars working in the library and engaged since many years in the promotion of the rich heritage of the collection. The graduate program is financed by the Ministery for research and culture of the region Niedersachsen. In order to understand how the project was conceived, what ideas underpin its creation, and what are the biographies and expectations of single students, Paola Molino (member of the editorial board of «Bibliothecae.it») has interviewed the coordinator of the program, Prof. Wolfgang Adam, specialist on early modern German literature, and a group of students.


Adam 1997 = Wolfgang Adam hg., Geselligkeit und Gesellschaft im Barockzeitalter. Akten des internationalen Barockkongresses Wolfenbüttel (31.8.-3.9.1994), unter Mitwirkung von Knut Kiesant, Winfried Schulze und Christoph Strosetzki, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1997, 2 voll.

Adam 2008 = Wolfgang Adam, Bibliotheksgeschichte und Frühneuzeit-Forschung. Bilanz und Perspektiven am Beispiel des Nachlassverzeichnisses von Fürst Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen, «Euphorion», Vol. 102, (2008), p. 1-38.

Adam - Westphal 2012 = Wolfgang Adam - Siegrid Westphal (Hg.), Handbuch kultureller Zentren der Frühen Neuzeit. Städte und Residenzen im alten deutschen Sprachraum, 3 Bde., Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2012.

Assmann 1992 = Jan Assmann, Das kulturelle Gedächtnis. Schrift, Erinnerung und politische Identität in frühen Hochkulturen, München, C.H. Beck, 1992 (trad. it. La memoria culturale. Scrittura, ricordo e identità politica nelle grandi civiltà antiche, Torino, Einaudi, 1997).

Baratin - Jacob 1996 = Marc Baratin - Christian Jacob (Hg.), Le pouvoir des bibliothèques. La mémoire des livres en Occident, Paris, Albin Michel, 1996.

Eco 2001 = Umberto Eco, Riflessioni sulla bibliofilia, Milano, Rovello, 2001.

Mittler 2012 = Elmar Mittler, Anthropologische Bibliotheksgeschichte. Umriss eines Forschungsfeldes, in Handbuch Bibliothek. Geschichte, Aufgaben, Perspektiven, hg. Von Konrad Umlauf, Stefan Gradmann, Stuttgart-Weimar, Metzler, 2012, p. 287-292.

Weinrich 1997 = Harald Weinrich, Lethe – Kunst des Vergessens, München, C.H. Beck, 1997 (trad. it. Lete. Arte e critica dell’oblio, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999).

Wertheimer 2003 = Jürgen Wertheimer, Germanistik, in Wozu Geisteswissenschaften? Kontroverse Argumente für eine überfällige Debatte, hg. Von Florian Keisinger, Steffen Seischab, Frankfurt a.M.- New York, Campus 2003, p. 131-135.

Zedelmaier - Mulsow 2001 = Helmut Zedelmaier - Martin Mulsow hg., Die Praktiken der Gelehrsamkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit, Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2001.



How to Cite

Molino, P. (2016). «Un organismo vivente con vita autonoma». Libraries as subject of a PhD school between Osnabrück and Wolfenbüttel. Bibliothecae.It, 5(2), 384–400. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2283-9364/6402



Notes and discussions