The book in the prison system in the state of Espírito Santo: social device in the pandemic


  • Adriana Isidório da Silva Zamite Federal University of Espírito Santo
  • Maira Cristina Grigoleto Federal University of Espírito Santo



Book, Social device, Prisional system, Library, Pandemic


This study the relevance of books in the prisional system of the State of the Espirito Santo and its possibilities of use in the period of the pandemic of the Covid-19 argues, either for the general aspects or the clipping established in the units of closed regime during the year of 2020. The general objective is to recognize books as social devices in this environment. The specific objectives aim at: to approach them as source for transposition of the reality of the jail; to discourse on the potentialities and limits of its uses in periods of sanitaryrestrictions in the Espirito Santo; e to argue on the importance of the book for the convicts during the pandemic. The justification resides in its social coverage for the visibility of the book as social device and right of the convicts in regular periods of restrictions during the pandemic. It`s about a qualitative and exploratory research, with use of the procedures of bibliographical research, documentary of field. In the first stage it was carried through official survey of bibliographical materials (theses, dissertation, scientific articles) and documents (laws, recommendations, techinical guidelines) for the treatment and deepening in the subject and better knowledge of the universe of the research. For the field research, interview directed to the Sub-Manegement of Education in Prisons with the intention to collect data on uses of the libraries and services of book loans during the pandemic. The results indicate that, for the application of legal regulations, relatives to the uses of books in benefit of the convicts, is necessary the understanding of its potentialities as social device in different conjunctures. The conclusions guarantee the agreement of book-device must be pandemic in the prisional system, that is, must be spread in fast and wide scale, allowing the access to different knowledge in custody of institutions that control collection and subjects.


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How to Cite

da Silva Zamite, A. I., & Grigoleto, M. C. . (2021). The book in the prison system in the state of Espírito Santo: social device in the pandemic. Bibliothecae.It, 10(2), 498–525.