«At the risk of entering into minute and very uninteresting particulars...»: la querelle tra Antonio Panizzi e Nicholas Harris Nicolas


  • Lucia Sardo Università di Bologna



Parole chiave:

Catalogazione, Antonio Panizzi, British Museum, Regole di catalogazione


L’articolo analizza la disputa fra Panizzi e Nicolas in merito alle innovazioni proposte dal bibliotecario italiano alla biblioteca del British Museum. Le innovazioni introdotte da Panizzi riguardano principalmente la gestione
della sala di lettura e le regole per il nuovo catalogo a stampa dei libri a stampa della biblioteca del British Museum.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Battles 2003 = Matthew Battles, Library. An unquiet history, New York-London, W.W. Norton & Company, 2003.

Biagetti 2001 = Maria Teresa Biagetti, Teoria e prassi della catalogazione nominale: i contributi di Panizzi, Jewett e Cutter, Roma, Bulzoni, 2001.

Chaplin 1987 = A. H. Chaplin, GK: 150 years of the General Catalogue of printed books in the British Museum, Aldershot, Scolar, 1987.

Nicolas 1846 = Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Animadversions on the library and catalogues of the British Museum. A reply to Mr. Panizzi’s statement and a correspondence with that officer and the Trustees, London, Bentley, 1846.

Panizzi 1846 = Antonio Panizzi, On the supply of printed books from the library to the Reading room of the British Museum, London, Charles Whittingham, 1846.

Report 1850 = Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the constitution and government of the British museum; with minutes of evidence. London, William Clowes and sons, 1850.

Times 1850 = The Times, Friday, march 29, 1850.




Come citare

Sardo, L. (2020). «At the risk of entering into minute and very uninteresting particulars.»: la querelle tra Antonio Panizzi e Nicholas Harris Nicolas. Bibliothecae.It, 9(1), 394–416. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2283-9364/11032


