The American Library Journal: uno strumento nelle mani di 'Dui'


  • Fabio Venuda Università degli studi di Milano


Parole chiave:

American library journal, Melvil Dewey, American Library Association, American Metric Bureau, Spelling Reform Association, Cooperazione tra biblioteche, Catalogazione cooperativa, contabilità creativa


L’American Library Journal viene fondato il 17 maggio 1876, quando Melvil Dewey incontra a New York l’editore Frederick Leypoldt; nella stessa occasione i due organizzano anche la prima conferenza dei bibliotecari americani, nel corso della quale, su proposta di Dewey, viene fondata l’American Library Association con il suo Supply department. Inoltre, sempre nel 1876, Dewey fonda altre due Associazioni, l’ l’American Metric Bureau e la Spelling Reform Association, ciascuna dotata di un suo Bulletin e di un Supply department. Questo contributo prende in considerazione la natura e l’evoluzione delle passioni e ossessioni che governarono tutta la vita di Melvil Dewey e lo portarono ad intraprendere una vera e propria crociata per riformare l’America ed educare le masse nel più breve tempo possibile, ottimizzando tempi e costi, oltre che per «sincronizzare» le biblioteche americane normalizzando regole, schede e attrezzature. In questa prospettiva l’American Library Journal sembra essere stato lo strumento scelto da Dewey per diffondere tra la comunità dei bibliotecari statunitensi le sue idee riformatrici di cooperazione bibliotecaria, ma anche la vetrina per promuovere le attrezzature e i materiali venduti dal Supply department dell’ALA, da quelli delle altre Associazioni e dalle società che lo stesso Dewey fonderà in seguito.

Riferimenti bibliografici

American Library Association 1996-2018 © = American Library Association, Mission & Priorities, [web page], 1996-2018 ©, <>.

The American Library Journal 1876 = The American Library Journal. Journal of the American Library Association, vol. 1, n. 1 (September 30 1876), Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

Anderson 2000 = Dorothy Anderson, IFLA's programme of Universal

Bibliographic Control: origins and early years, «IFLA Journal», vol. 26, n.3 (2000), p. 209-214, <>.

Barkun 1986 = Michael Barkun, Crucible of the millennium : the burnedover district of New York in the 1840s, 1st ed., Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University Press, 1986.

The Conference [1.] 1876a = The Conference of Librarians at Philadelphia, [proceedings], «The American Library Journal», vol. 1, n. 2-3 (1876a), p. 45-145.

The Conference [1.] 1876b = The Conference of Librarians at Philadelphia [1.]. The Proceedings. Cooperative cataloguing, [online], «The American Library Journal», vol. 1, n. 2-3 (1876b), p. 118-121, <>.

A correspondent write: 1876 = A correspondent write:, «The Academy. A weekly review of literature, science, and art», vol. IX, n. January-June (March, 18 1876), p. 261-262, Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

Cross 1950 = Whitney R. Cross, The Burned-over District. The social and intellectual history of enthusiastic religion in western New York, 1800-1850, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1950, [Kindle e-book].

Dawe - Bair et al. 1932 = George Grosvenor Dawe - Roby Bair et al., Melvil Dewey, seer, inspirer, doer, 1851-1931. Biographic compilation, Lake Placid Club, N.Y., Melvil Dewey biografy (copyr. by Emily Dewey), 1932, <>.

Dewey 1876 = Melvil Dewey, Diary no. 5, April 10, 1876 - June 11, 1876, in «Melvil Dewey papers, 1870-1931», Columbia University Libraries. Archival Collections,, 1876 Box 35A.

Dewey 1877 = Melvil Dewey, American Library Association, «The American Library Journal», vol. 1, n. 7 (March 31, 1877), p. 245-247.

Fenly 2001 = Charles Fenly, The Cataloging in Publication program: a brief history, 1971-2001, Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, Cataloging in Publication Division, 2001, 33 p.,<>, Includes bibliographical references.

Foster 1981 = Lawrence Foster, Free Love and Feminism: John Humphrey Noyes and the Oneida Community, «Journal of the Early Republic», vol. 1, n. 2 (1981), p. 165-183, <>, <>.

Fyffe 1881 = Charles A. Fyffe, A history of modern Europe. Vol. 1, «Et Seq. The blog of the Harvard Law School Library» (1881), <>.

Harris 1870 = William Torrey Harris, Book Classification, «The Journal of speculative philosophy», vol. 4, n. 2 (1870), p. 114-129.

Holley 1967 = Edward G. Holley, Raking the historic coals : the A.L.A. scrapbook of 1876, [Pittsburgh], Beta Phi Mu, 1967.

Jewett 1851 = Charles C. Jewett, A plan for stereotyping catalogues by separate titles, and for forming a general stereotyped catalogue of public libraries of the United States, Washington, 1851, disponibile in Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

Krajewski 2011 = Markus Krajewski, Paper machines. About cards & catalogs, 1548-1929, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2011.

The Library Journal 1877 = The Library Journal. Official organ of the

American Library Association and of the United Kingdom, vol. 2, n. 3-4 (November-December 1877), Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

The Library Journal 1878a = The Library Journal. Official organ of the American Library Association and of the United Kingdom, vol. 3, n. 3 (May 1878a), Hathi Trust Digital Library,<>.

The Library Journal 1878b = The Library Journal. Official organ of the American Library Association and of the United Kingdom, vol. 2, n. 5-6 (January-February 1878b), Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

The Library Journal 1880a = The Library Journal. Official organ of the American Library Association and of the United Kingdom, vol. 5, n. 7-8 (July-August 1880a), Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

The Library Journal 1880b = The Library Journal. Official organ of the American Library Association and of the United Kingdom, vol. 5, n. 1 (January 1880b), Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

The Library Journal 1881 = The Library Journal. Official organ of the

American Library Association and of the United Kingdom, vol. 6, n. 1 (January 1881), Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

The Library Journal 1882 = The Library Journal. Official organ of the

American Library Association and of the United Kingdom, vol. 7, n. 1

(January 1882), Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

Macartney 2018 = Carlile Aylmer Macartney, Lajos Kossuth, in «Encyclopædia Britannica», Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 2018, <>.

Printed catalog cards 1901 = Printed catalog cards from the Library of Congress, «Library journal», vol. 26, n. 11 (1901), p. 802-805, <>.

Putnam 1901 = Herbert Putnam, Statement regarding the printed catalogo cards of the A.L.A. publishing board, «Library journal», vol. 26, n. 10 (1901), p. 752.

Rowe 1978 = David L. Rowe, A New Perspective on the Burned-Over

District: The Millerites in Upstate New York, «Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture», vol. 47, n. 4 (1978), p. 408-420, <>.

Shurtleff 1856 = Nathaniel Bradstreet Shurtleff, Decimal system for the arrangement and administration of libraries, Boston, Priv. print., 1856.

Smithsonian Institution and Jewett 1853 = Smithsonian Institution and Charles C. Jewett, Smithsonian report on the construction of catalogues of libraries, and their publication by means of separate, stereotyped titles, with rules and examples, 2. ed. ed., Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 1853, disponibile in Hathi Trust Digital Library, <>.

Solimine 1995 = Giovanni Solimine, Controllo bibliografico universale, Roma, Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, 1995.

The church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints 2018 = The church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, L’organizzazione della chiesa, [Online, OA], in «Il nostro retaggio: una breve storia della Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni. Cap. 2. L’istituzione delle fondamenta della Chiesa», 2018, <>.

Wiegand 1996 = Wayne A. Wiegand, Irrepressible reformer. A biography of Melvil Dewey, Chicago, American Library Association, 1996>.




Come citare

Venuda, F. (2018). The American Library Journal: uno strumento nelle mani di ’Dui’. Bibliothecae.It, 7(2), 136–171.